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What Is the Will of God

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  Every one of us is an actor. From birth we create a false self, a fake person that is not our true self. This illusionary person is the one who wants to live outside of the will of God. So many Christians never overcome themselves and fill the church full of false expectations of others. This is where someone resides in judgement over people yet commits the very same sin on Monday. This all starts with the fake self that exists in our own vain desires and is the fundamental false reality of life. We use this life for pleasure, for a thirst of experiences, and for power to control other human beings in a way that satisfies our own ego. We construct this nothingness into a detached reality that wraps our experiences around the pleasure and glory of our own being. This creates hollow insignificant people with no foundation for the truth, and in our emptiness, we are consumed by our own mistakes.
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