Marion Gale

Inside Outlaws: A New Look at Serial Killers and How They Came to Be

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This is a book about people who kill and why.

Inside Outlaws takes you into the world of violence. You will gain new insight into why people kill. It could change the way you see others or how you raise your children.
Inside Outlaws is about murderers and the forces that shape them. You come to understand their crimes… you will feel warned.

Most murder is a one-time crime of passion. The rarest form is serial killing. But the roots are the same. Shame is at the core of almost all acts of murder.
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  • b0497681608har citeratför 9 år sedan
    “Psychopaths live day-to-day and change their plans frequently. A central role in most of the psychopath’s behavior is to achieve immediate satisfaction, pleasure or relief. The psychopath is like an infant, absorbed in his own needs, vehemently demanding satiation.

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