Johan Andersson,Lawrence Webb

Global Cinematic Cities

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Capturing a rapidly transforming urban world, this collection investigates the emerging dynamics between filmmaking and urban change on a global scale. It surveys film, media and screen cultures in Buenos Aires, Beijing, Berlin, Cairo, Copenhagen, Delhi, Kolkata, Lagos, Los Angeles, Malmö, Manila, Paris, Rome, and Shanghai. Drawing on work in film and urban studies, the volume innovatively rethinks the “cinematic city” and argues for its ongoing relevance. Film festivals, transnational production, public screens, media ecologies, nostalgia, cinephilia, infrastructure, and informal economies illuminate the juxtaposition of cinema and urban space. Works covered include The Bourne Legacy (2012), Her (2013), Medianeras (2011), Last Flight to Abuja (2012), Maach, Mishti, and More (2013), The Future of the Past (2012), Good Morning Aman (2009), Couscous (2007), the transnational television production The Bridge, and Chinese video art.
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