Lori Foster,Lucy Monroe,Sarah Title


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A Lori Foster book is like a glass of good champagne--sexy and sparkling. --Jayne Ann Krentz
With a full moon hanging over the apple orchards of Delicious, Ohio, romance is in the air, and three couples are about to experience the magic of falling in love.
Down on Jonathan Avenue, the shy proprietor of the quaint bookstore can't seem to keep her fantasies about a famous writer to herself. While at The Old Orchard Inn the tempting smell of spiced hot cider lures an out-of-town investor to investigate the magnetic attraction of his sultry but strangely old-fashioned manager. And over at Apple of My Pie a play-by-the-rules accountant wants much more than tasty treats from the pop up food truck's capricious baker.
Satisfaction is just a bite away.
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