Janet Dean

The Bounty Hunter's Redemption

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Recently widowed Carly Richards is shocked when a bounty hunter declares her seamstress shop belongs to his sister. But Nate Sergeant has proof—the deed her lawless husband gambled away without her knowledge. Now Carly must fight for her home and her son's future. And until a judge arrives to settle ownership, she's not budging…despite Nate's surprisingly kind demeanor—and dashing good looks. 
Nate's faced the meanest outlaws in the land—but this petite, strong-willed seamstress may be his greatest challenge. He owes his sister his life, so he's determined she'll have the property that's legally hers. But as Nate and Carly battle for ownership, Nate realizes there's something he's overlooked—the hope of building a family with Carly and her adorable son.
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