Robert H. Nelson

How to Build Effective Sales Funnel

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There are so many variables when it comes to setting up an online business in the first place. There is always something that needs updating, revamping and improving on even the hottest and most expensive of websites. In this book, you will be given all of the practical information that you need to know about making the Sales Funnel Business Model work for you including: A thorough explanation of what the “funnel” looks like metaphorically along with easy to understand diagrams of it; Why the widest part of the sales model funnel is one of the most important aspects of this type of business concept and why it symbolizes your future profits; How to determine whether or not a potential customer is “inside your funnel” (a next to sure bet) or just outside of the “lip” and how to attract them inside and down to the bottom of the tube where they will metaphorically make that purchase; How to determine the “commitment” level of a customer to your business and decide whether or not they will buy and so much more.
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