Jade Lee

Rules for a Lady (A Lady's Lessons, Book 1)

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&quote;…comparable to notable Regency author Marian Devon.&quote; ~Romantic Times BookClub ReviewsIf a lady is to become a Countess, there are rules…#1: A lady does not attempt to come out in London society disguised as her deceased half-sister. #2: A lady does not become enamored of her guardian; even when his masterful kisses and whispered words of affection tempt her beyond all endurance. #3: A lady may not climb barefoot from her bedroom onto a rose trellis, nor engage in fisticuffs with riffraff even if it is to rescue street urchins. #4: No matter how impossible the odds, a lady always gives her hand and her heart-though not necessarily in that order-to the one man who sees her as she truly is and loves her despite her flagrant disobedience of the rules for a lady. FROM THE PUBLISHER: The LADY'S LESSONS SERIES is rich in Regency period detail and will be appreciated by fans of Jann Rowland, Meredith Duran, Julia Quinn, Elisa Braden, Tessa Dare and Loretta Chase.LADY'S LESSONS SERIES, in series orderRules for a LadyMajor Wyclyff's CampaignMiss Woodley's Kissing ExperimentREGENCY RAGS TO RICHES, in series orderNo Place for a LadyDevil's BargainAlmost an AngelThe Dragon EarlMEET JADE LEE: Jade Lee, a USA Today bestseller, has two passions (well, except for her family, but that's a given). She loves dreaming up stories and playing racquetball, not always in that order. When her pro-racquetball career ended with a pair of very bad knees, she turned her attention to writing. An author of more than 40 romance novels, she's decided that life can be full of joy without ever getting up from her chair.
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