Philip Kaplan

With Wings As Eagles

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A lavishly illustrated tribute to the men and women behind one of the most important Allied offenses of WWII.
Beginning in 1942, the Eighth Air Force began precision bombing raids deep into Nazi Germany. Departing from bases in rural England, nearly 350,000 Americans joined their British colleagues for this joint Allied attack. For many it was a period of great risk, and arguably the greatest adventure of their lives.
Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of full-color photographs, With Wings as Eagles celebrates the heroics of these pilots and their missions. Exclusive interviews with many of the pilots and crew, as well as research from contemporary diaries, journals, and scrapbooks brings the epic conflict thrillingly alive. Readers relive the days of seemingly endless boredom and fatigue, the loneliness of soaring in an aluminum cocoon four miles over an intended target, and a surprising account of parachuting onto German soil and being captured by women and children.
“Another fine tribute to those who put their lives on the line for those of us who have come after them.” —New York Journal of Books
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