Steven Sherrill

The Minotaur Takes His Own Sweet Time

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Steven Sherrill is a graduate of UNC Charlotte and holds an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. The recipient of a NEA Fellowship for Fiction, he has published four novels and one book of poetry. His debut novel, The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break, was published in the UK and translated into eight languages. Neil Gaiman selected it as one of six audio books to launch “Neil Gaiman Presents” for Audible.com. A prolific painter and nascent musician, Sherrill is now a professor of English & Integrative Arts at Penn State Altoona.

«Sherrill gives his Minotaur a ­forlorn Buster Keaton dignity. M has a silent film’s starring role in the midst of a ­country-and-western talkie. Precisely by limiting the beast to deeds, not speech, the writer eventually creates—against all odds—a living hybridized contradiction. M, if stuck in the quicksand of our ­ticky-tack present, somehow still participates in the silent scale of myth.» —The New York Times
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