Christopher Russell,Christine Russell

The Warrior Sheep Go Down Under

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An action-tastic surfing, bungee jumping, white-water rafting Antipodean adventure for the Warrior Sheep, as they try to rescue a maiden in distress. The maiden is Tuftella, fairest ewe of all, and according to ancient prophesy, she’s locked in a dark tower somewhere Down Under. And so the Warrior Sheep hitch a ride on a boat for New Zealand, land of bubbling mud pools and spouting geysers. Then it’s on to Australia, home of the emu, kangaroo… and crocodile! The sheep find a guide in the plump shape of Alice Barton. They’re convinced she’s their ‘fairy godtingy’, but would a fairy godtingy try to shove them in the ocean? And why does she really want Barton’s Billabong so badly?

With the hilarity and madcap farce of Home Alone and the warmth of Babe The Sheep-Pig, Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run, The Warrior Sheep Down Under is perfect for fans who are ready to move on from Cows in Action series. The much anticipated sequel to The Quest of the Warrior Sheep and The Warrior Sheep Go West.
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