Sam Bourne

The Final Reckoning

“The biggest challenger to Dan Brown’s crown.” —Mirror (UK)
When a man’s death at the United Nations turns out to be more than just an accidental shooting, unsuspecting Tom Byrne is plunged headlong into a deadly world of hidden fellowships, unforgivable crimes, and a 60-year quest for justice. From Sam Bourne—the #1 international bestselling author of The Righteous Men and The Last Testament—comes this fast-paced, gripping, and provocative thriller exposing the last great mystery of the Second World War. Perfect for fans of Raymond Khoury, Jo Nesbø, and James Rollins, Bourne’s The Final Solution is a tense and twisting tale of Nazi soldiers and Jewish Avengers, based on the true story of WWII survivors taking vengeance for the Holocaust into their own hands.
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