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Daniel Post Senning

Emily Post's Manners in a Digital World

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The fresh and insightful guide to etiquette in a digital world from the Emily Post Institute, Inc., the definitive standard-bearer of good manners
For generations of Americans, the Emily Post Institute is the authoritative source on how to behave with confidence and tact. Manners in a Digital World is its up-to-the-minute, straight-talking guide that tackles how we should act when using a digital device or when online. As communication technologies change, our smartphones and tablets become even more essential to our daily lives, and the most polished and appropriate ways to use them often remain unclear. As anyone who has mistakenly forwarded an email knows, there are many pitfalls, too. This essential guide discusses topics such as:
·      Why you need a healthy digital diet that includes texts, emails, and calls
·      How to appropriately handle a breakup announcement on social media
·      What makes for the best—and the worst—online comment
·      How to maintain privacy and security for online profiles and accounts, essential for everything from banking to online dating
·      How parents and children can establish digital house rules
·      The appropriate, low-maintenance ways to separate personal and professional selves online
Emily Post’s Manners in a Digital World
is for technophiles and technophobes alike—it’s for anyone who wants to navigate today’s communication environment with emotional intelligence.
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