Just Bae

A Desi Got Me

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Prince Raj's reputation for lavish generosity precedes him…as do the salacious rumors of exactly what he expects in return from us village girls. Gold and jewels flow from his hands like water…but his bold gaze promises darker rewards to unleash my inexperienced passions. I shudder imagining such a brash stranger teaching me intimacy's nuances, no matter the offered treasure. Survival necessities, not curious desires, occupy my thoughts. But my family and neighbors insist this glittering prince differs from the rest—that benevolence underscores his bacchanalian antics. I pride sense above foolish optimism…yet some buried part of me kindles at his flattery.

What harm in allowing one kiss…for the village's sake?

I am Priya, who knows better.

If I whisper yes, will it mean rapture or ruin when the last veil drops? For this Cinderella, midnight looms eternal.
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