Marion Crook

Writing For Children & Young Adults

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Do you dream of writingbooks for children? In addition to the expert advice author Marion Crook shared in earlier editions of Writing for Children and Young Adults, in this vibrant new edition, Crook explains some of the nuances and choices about the writing world online.

As well, she revisits the fundamentals of writing: establishing character, creating lively dialogue and developing plot with updated worksheets and examples. This edition shows the writer how to begin a story, plan plot, develop and hone the work for an agent or publisher, and how to make the crucial submission for a book that agents want to represent and publishers want to buy!

Writing for Children and Young Adults helps you create the manuscript that sells! Includes updated fundamentals of writing: character, setting, plot packing, tension and conflict. Learn how to:

• Develop believable characters
• Discover what motivates your characters
• Submit your manuscript to publishers
• Write realistic dialogue
• Use conflict and tension effectively
• Craft the perfect submission to agents and publishers
• Create intimacy with the reader
• Banish writer’s block
• Research settings
• Deal with criticism
• Promote your published book

This book includes free access to an exclusive kit of forms and resources. The download kit includes:

• Illustrative samples
• Resource guide
• Helpful worksheets
• Sample query letters
• — And much more!
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