Donna Smallin

The One-Minute Organizer Plain & Simple

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Every day, in every way, you can get just a little more organized in just a few minutes.
For instance, when you take your clothes off, hang them up or put them in the laundry. Throw out that pile of mail-order catalogs you still haven't flipped through. Limit yourself to saving one tote-bag-full of housecleaning rags.
The One-Minute Organizer Plain & Simple is the perfect handbook for busy people who don't have time for a top-to-bottom purge or a complete organizational overhaul. Instead Donna Smallin provides 500 fast and innovative ways anybody can become a bit more organized . . . right now. Each tip delivers instant gratification, makes your world a little less cluttered, and brings you one step closer to a more orderly life.
Smallin inspires readers by showing how much can be accomplished with an investment of no more than 15 minutes a day. Her quick solutions address such common troubles as paper clutter, household chores that never get done, bills that are…

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