Philip Pullman,Simon Reade

The Scarecrow and His Servant

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Outrageously zany and filed with non-stop surprises, Simon Reade’s theatrical adaptation of The Scarecrow and His Servant, renowned author Philip Pullman's fictional children's tale, is an enchanting play for young readers and performers.
Delve into the magical world of Scarecrow as you accompany him as Jack, his trusty help-mate, and together you can embark on adventures that will make your head spin. From dodging dangerous bandits and surviving terrifying shipwrecks, to soaring through the skies with wild birds, this play is a roller-coaster ride of never-ending escapades. But when the river-polluting Buffaloni tyrants catch up with you for a final showdown, who will come to your rescue and save the day?
A production of The Scarecrow and His Servant ran at the Southwark Playhouse in December 2008-January 2009.
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