Ian Corner



b5187500294har citeratför 2 år sedan
ENVISION: Set the direction, destination and success measures for all key business activities within the span of your control.
b5187500294har citeratför 2 år sedan
ENVISION: Set the direction, destination and success measures for all key business activities within the span of your control.
ENLIST: Give the right people the right roles at the right time to optimise performance.
ENGAGE: Tailor the communication, coaching and mentoring needed for others to take control of their own high performance and achievement.
EXEMPLIFY ETHICS & VALUES: Embrace diversity and demonstrate integrity, honesty and equity in all business transactions
b5187500294har citeratför 2 år sedan
Like a trusted GPS (global positioning system), you lead people from where they are now to where they have not yet been. You provide a map and give clear directions to a desired outcome. Like the GPS, your success as a leader relies on having already programmed the maps, directions and destinations that define the road to an organisation’s growth and profit
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