
Yeonmi Park


asemelhar citerati fjol
In the free world, children dream about what they want to be when they grow up and how they can use their talents. When I was four and five years old, my only adult ambition was to buy as much bread as I liked and eat all of it.


Natalia Gunkovskadelade ett intrycki fjol
💡Lärde mig mycket
👍Värt att läsa

The end is only the death. Everything else even the worst evidence of people cruelty is not the end. It’s a commonplace to write about but when you have firm beliefs you can overcome everything.

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    Yeonmi Park
    In Order to Live
    • 38
    • 69
    • 4
    • 1
  • Olga Gdelade ett intryckför 2 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa

  • inte tillgänglig
    Yeonmi Park
    In Order to Live
    • 38
    • 69
    • 4
    • 1
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