
Elisa Medhus

Dr. Elisa Medhus is a family physician with over twenty years experience dealing with the issues that today’s families face. Although she retired from medicine to homeschool and be a full time mother to her children, she still has a large following of former patients who frequently call or drop by her home for medical advice, comfort or help. She has a gift for communicating with others, making them feel comfortable and sensing their emotional, physical and spiritual needs.Being a mother of five children, (Kristina, Michelle, Erik, Lukas, and Annika) and wife to Rune, Dr. Medhus is uniquely suited to discuss issues concerning parents. In Raising Children Who Think for Themselves, her passion to change the world for the better by teaching children how to make self-directed choices is palpable, sincere and deep. Her work has been featured on national broadcast and print outlets including Good Morning America, The Houston Chronicle, a Seattle morning show, The Houston Post. She resides in Houston, Texas with her husband, her five children, their three dogs, and other transients from the plant and animal worlds.


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