Barbara Ann Kipfer

  • b8322917156har citeratför 2 år sedan
    put yourself in someone else’s shoes
  • b8322917156har citeratför 2 år sedan
    ■ put yourself in someone else’s shoes
  • b4289574422har citerati fjol
    learn to be your own counselor
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    regardless of the situation, react with class
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    make honesty your only policy
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    see everything in your life as a gift
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    The New York Times Book Review
  • Menna Abu Zahrahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    doing the common things in life in an uncommon way
  • Menna Abu Zahrahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    growing as our love grows
  • Menna Abu Zahrahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    the craziest person in your life
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