
1760: An Excerpt from the Book Time Rich: Do Your Best Work, Live Your Best Life by Steve Glaveski

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Steve Glaveski shares an excerpt from his book titled Time Rich: Do Your Best Work, Live Your Best Life

Episode 1760: An Excerpt from the Book Time Rich: Do Your Best Work, Live Your Best Life by Steve Glaveski

Steve Glaveski's mission is to unlock the latent potential of organisations and people to create more impact for humanity and lead more fulfilling lives.

He is CEO and Co-Founder of Collective Campus, an corporate innovation and startup accelerator based in Melbourne, Australia with clients across the world.

He is the author of the current Wiley book, Employee to Entrepreneur, which is available in bookstores around the world, and previously self-published two books, including an Amazon bestseller.

Steve co-founded Lemonade Stand - a children's entrepreneurship program, hosts the Apple Podcast charting Future Squared, is a founding investor in Konkrete, a blockchain-enabled share registry and is a contributor to Harvard Business Review.

When he's not working, he can be found in the gym, at a heavy metal concert, hiking in the mountains whilst listening to the Joe Rogan Experience, riding his motorbike (or skateboard), reading a book, or doing an occasional bit of what barely qualifies as standup comedy!

More about the book can be found here: https://www.timerichbook.com/

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