L.Ron Hubbard

Hell's Legionnaire

American Ann Halliday is as fiery as the Sahara sun. And now she's feeling some real heat, as the prize captive of the Berber leader Abd el Malek also known as “The Killer."
But Abd el Malek wants Ann alive—and in chains—subject to his every whim and fantasy. Dusty Colton, however, an American deserter from the French Foreign Legion, has a different idea and he's determined to give “The Killer" a taste of his own bloody medicine. The only problem is Dusty himself is wanted for murder.
Can Ann and Dusty team up and turn evil on its head? One thing's for sure—between Ann and the Hell's Legionnaire, the temperature is about to get even hotter.
Also includes the adventure stories, The Barbarians, in which a Legionnaire sets out to avenge a savage killing and makes a stunning discovery; and The Squad That Never Came Back, the story of a man who has uncovered the secret to a city of gold—a secret that could turn into a death sentence.
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