Impact Theory


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On Today's Episode:

When you fall into a rut and can’t seem to break-free thoughts become overwhelming and there are as many options to pursue as there are to give up and call it quits. Since you’re here, we know that quitting is not an option for you.

What are you willing to do to get yourself on track to pursuing your biggest dreams in order to become the person you would most respect and admire?

In this episode Tom candidly gives you every golden nugget you need to take a hard look at yourself and truly assess where you are and what you need to start doing differently to make a change you can be proud of. As you watch this episode, excitement goes up, motivation is crazy high, and everything sounds great. What you do at the end of this video is what matters most.

Spiritual entertainment isn’t going to take you where you say you want to go. You have to take action and do something different. You can easily take notes and have a list of 20 things you can do to get on track for success after watching this. What’s ONE thing you’ll do right now and commit to doing for the next 30 days?


“If you haven’t built in mechanisms to deal with your lesser nature you’re going to forever fall prey to it.”

“When you obsess about something and don’t prepare for the negative stuff you’re not setting yourself up for failure.”

“I’ve constructed my life brick by brick to be exactly what I want it to be on a daily basis.”
“If you’re not growing you’re not adding enough value.”

“Anybody that says social media is destroying the fabric of society, they’ve built the wrong community.”

“Anything that inspires people to not take action, to just sit there and think about something that winds me up. Massive action is the only thing that works.”

“When you know this is just one more opportunity to practice and I will get another opportunity to practice again because I am willing to get great.”

Follow Tom Bilyeu:

Website: https://impacttheory.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tombilyeu
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/
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